Pyromorphite on Malachite


Out of stock

When these were found 7 years ago the exploration geologists brought them to Tucson and we shared a booth with them. They were extremely well received, and during the show it was reported that a cyclone had flooded the mine. Despite future efforts very little additional specimen recovery occurred and the mine was determined to not be viable. This specimen is very rich in coverage and only has one contact. Most of these were removed from tight seams where the specimens faced each other and often grew together. Separating them meant most had some contacts. There were 5 distinct pockets (pizza, boulder, golden, turquoise and emerald). I believe this one is from the pizza pocket.

Locality: Browns Open Pit, Rum Jungle, New South Wales Australia

Composition: Lead Chlorophosphate

Dimensions: 10 × 7.3 × 1.8 cm
SKU: Geo-3294 Categories: , ,
Dimensions: 10 × 7.3 × 1.8 cm